Tumble Dryer Repairs

We all know how your Tumble dryer is a life saver on wet and damp days when you cant get your washing out on the line, but did you know that tumble dryers can also be a Fire Hazard if not serviced on a regular basis.

Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service responded to 57 property fires caused by tumble dryers, an increase of 40% on 2011. In the first week of 2013 there were five fires with the same cause.

Tumble dryers have powerful motors with fast moving parts which get very hot. A common issue is that excess fluff can build up on the filter and internal parts which could then catch fire.A build up of fluff and lint inside the machine is a major fire risk. Machines should not be overloaded with clothes and the manufacturers’ instructions for use, including the maintenance, should be followed.

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